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  • Writer's pictureShakil Mendoza

Understanding the Brain and its Gender

Many are confused when it comes to the subject of transgenders and people who identify themselves based on something other than their genitalia. While it may seem strange and abnormal, it is actually becoming more and more common for the body to form one set of genitalia while the brain goes a different route in its actual gender.

Psychiatrist Dr. Altinay says. “Gender is not only in our genitalia; there’s something in the brain that determines gender.” The point Dr. Altinay is trying to convey is that the brain of a person will be structurally similar to the gender of which the person identifies with. What this means it that if a person born with male genitalia identifies as a female - their brain will actually show many of the same physical characteristics as that of a female brain as opposed to that of a male brain.

Apart from structural similarities, there are also resemblances in they way the brain operates. The number of MRI scans used in transgender studies may be small but they all display similar results. The product of these studies revealed brain activity of the person to be parallel to that of their preferred gender. A study conducted at the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology involving twelve males, twelve females, and twelve male-to-female transgenders watching an erotic film yielded world changing results. The stimuli in the brains of the male-to-female transgenders was more congruent to that of the females than that of males

“Some Research shows the brains of transgender people are somewhere in between, sharing characteristics of both male and female brains,” says Dr. Altinay. This is further evidence verifying the existence of a gender spectrum. There are people who are gender fluid and non-binary who’s gender consists of numerous different gender characteristics and these findings allow a better understanding of these individuals.

This evidence proving that gender is decided by the brain and not by the person gives a beacon of hope for those who are misunderstood or even discriminated against because of their preferred gender identity. This undeniable proof that gender is something biological will hopefully open the eyes of those who believe that transgender and gender non-binary people are mentally ill and allow them to see the truth. This also gives those who are confused about how it all works a chance to be enlightened. It even goes as far as to show trans and non-binary who feel like freaks or outsiders that what they are dealing with is perfectly normal and a part of nature.

The research also gives us a chance to further our understanding of gender dysphoria - the psychological (and sometimes physical) discomfort and distress that a large percentage of transgender people feel due to the mismatch of their gender identity and their biological sex. These studies have allowed humanity to take leaping strides into the understanding of these people and will without a doubt change the way people see them and will even change how transgender and non-binary people see themselves.

It is important to remember that everyone is different - and that is not a bad thing. We all have different genetics, interests, talents, etc. Just because someone does not function the same way you do does not mean they are monsters or deviants. It’s the small differences between everyone that makes humanity so beautiful. Everyone is different - but we are all human.

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